Youth Hub

The HeArt centre is an arts and education centre focusing in providing an environment which enriches the lives of young people through various initiatives.  We aim to be a place of fun, learning and exchange, bringing together a variety of cultures and talents.

Drumming and Nasheed club

Develops the artistic talents and confidence of children and young people. Our choir and musical groups have performed at many events including interfaith and community based events.  They have performed at venues such as Birmingham Town Hall and the Drum Theatre.

The Prophet ﷺ and I

Creative and interactive workshops are for children and young people aged 5-16 years old.  These workshops are about inspiring participants to build a stronger relationship with Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.  Children explore the prophetic way looking at charity, helping the needy, morals and manners, kindness to animals and human rights to name but a few of the topics covered.


We have recently developed a library at the HeArt centre for the use of children and young people.

Tahara Workshop

Due to popular demand we are again running this initiative. It is aimed at girls to provide a discussion around health and well being, dignity and self respect.

Tahara workshop for boys is currently being developed. Keep in touch for updates.